Health Literacy
This research explores sexual health literacy, focusing on gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. It highlights the development of conceptual frameworks, challenges in online health information delivery, and the importance of informed consent and effective interventions.
The studies underscore the critical role of sexual health literacy in improving sexual health outcomes for MSM. Researchers propose frameworks for understanding and addressing sexual health literacy gaps, recognizing the unique needs of gay, bisexual, and other MSM populations. This includes strategies for enhancing HIV/STI risk prevention and informed consent, particularly in the context of internet-based testing services.
The research also highlights challenges in providing accessible and accurate sexual health information online, especially on Canadian agency websites. These barriers include ensuring the content is engaging, trustworthy, and culturally appropriate while meeting the specific health literacy needs of MSM. The findings stress the need for tailored, evidence-based approaches to improving health literacy in this community, with an emphasis on collaboration across national and international research efforts.