Digital Health
This research examines the evolution of digital public health, with a focus on internet-based testing and workforce adaptation to digital transformation. It highlights innovations like GetCheckedOnline, digital competency training, and the importance of addressing health equity and client experiences.
Spanning over a decade of research, this collection explores the integration of digital tools into public health practice. Key initiatives include GetCheckedOnline, a program that has transformed sexual health testing in British Columbia by increasing accessibility and cost-effectiveness. Studies also address missed opportunities for engagement, client experiences of racism and anxiety, and strategies to create more inclusive and supportive health environments.
The research highlights the growing need for public health practitioners to adapt to digital transformation. Workshops and reviews focus on building digital competencies, fostering multidisciplinary collaboration, and aligning public health practices with emerging technologies like AI. By addressing both systemic challenges and technological advancements, this body of work provides a roadmap for leveraging digital innovation to improve health outcomes and equity.