Fact Sheet: GetCheckedOnline improves access to testing for sexually-transmitted and blood-borne infections.
Research theme(s)
Internet Based Testing
Aidan Ablona, Hsiu-Ju Chang, Ihoghosa Iyamu, Rayka Kumru, and Mark Gilbert, March 8, 2023. This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Funding Reference No. CTW-155387
Preliminary Results
GetCheckedOnline (GCO) reduces the demand on provider-based testing services. Half of people who used GCO regularly only tested through GCO for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs), and some would not have gotten tested elsewhere if GCO had not been available.
Our goal was to better understand regular GCO users’ experiences. We recruited 789 participants who had used GCO multiple times for testing, with at least one test being between April-October 2022. We sent them a survey in November 2022 to ask about:
Their current access to STBBI testing through a provider,
How they used GCO, and
Their thoughts on GCO in comparison to testing through a provider.